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Ms Blue Sky Bus comes to JAX Tiny House Show

by Lyn Colley, The Tiny Optimist

Pam and Rich Henzel decided to build a skoolie. They are tiny house enthusiasts. They bought a 2003 Bluebird Bus.

When I asked, why go tiny? The Henzels' responded, "We like the simplicity of it. We like to build things, and thought building a tiny house, aka skoolie, would be fun!

No, we do not live on the bus. It's just for recreation.

We literally just finished the build and took her out last weekend for the first time. The only area I'm missing is the bedroom, but it's really pretty! We made a custom headboard and velvet drapes.

The counter tops are solid cherry butcher block, and the end tables and dining table are all American cherry that we finished with flood resin. I would like to give you an idea of the level of workmanship. The bathroom is special, it's all ceramic with a high end electric toilet...The air conditioning is a regular RV rooftop unit. We are excited to showcase Ms Blue Sky at the JAX Tiny House Show in May and Suncoast Tiny House Show at the end of June.

High efficiency incinerator toilet


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